How Do I Find a Job on Social Media? #JobAdvicesA 03/02

How Do I Find a Job on Social Media? #JobAdvicesA 03/02

One of the most startling stats that you will ever hear quoted is that there are more South Africans that own a smartphone than those that have a toothbrush, and one of the biggest reasons that they have smartphones is...
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How to Use LinkedIn Google Twitter for Job Searches | #JobAdviceSA 03 July 2014

How to Use LinkedIn Google Twitter for Job Searches | #JobAdviceSA 03 July 2014

As always on Mondays we look forward to our weekly #JobAdviceSA chat with Job Seekers, Recruiters and Employers but our stakeholders have grown to suppliers, free lance professionals and the like! We thank you all for the support and contributions!...
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Dealing Professionally With Recruiters on Social Networks #JobAdviceSA 15/5

Dealing Professionally With Recruiters on Social Networks #JobAdviceSA 15/5

Modern recruiters no longer rely on posting job adverts on their website’s Careers or Vacancies page or on job websites. They are now active on LinkedIn especially, as well as other social networks, searching for candidates for jobs as well...
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